Saturday, March 20, 1999Y
Baojun - 20 Love Chocs (Semisweet)
Pearlin - 30 Mini Darlings (WhiteChoco,Semisweet,double layering)
Cassandra - 30 Coatedflakes(semisweet,whitechoco)
Pearlin - 30 , 30 , 30 Mini Darlings (All white) (All white) (15 double,15white)
Pinkeh: Promotion Pack
Rosental: 60cookies, 25 Love Chocs, 20 Minidarlings
Esther: 40 Chocolate CoatedFlakes
Nikkolette: 20cookies, 20 miniDarlings(All mixtures), 6 Cutesy Chocs, 30 CoatedFlakes (White Choc)
Guy: 20 MiniDarlings (SemiSweet)
Stef: 20Mini Darlings (10 White, 10 Double-Layering)Jaynie: 40 miniDarlings(20 semisweet, 20white), all individually wrapped
Alicia: 50 CutesyChocs(20 white, 20semisweet, 10strawberry)
50 miniDarlings(20 white, 20semisweet, 10strawberry)
Gladys: 70 miniDarlings (40 double layer, 30 white)
6 Cutesy Chocs (3 double layer, 3 white)
Stef: 24 Cutesy Chocs (Semisweet) 50 miniDarlings (25 double layer, 25 white)
Nikko: 45 Packets of 5 miniDarlings(3 semisweet, 2 white)
15 MiniDarlings (5 white, 5semisweet, 5strawberry)
Deb: 30 + 35 miniDarlings (White)
Sam: 30 miniDarlings (5double layer, 25white)
Gladys: 22semisweet bear, 22 white choco bears, 20 white miniDarlings,40 double layering
Wendy: 19 Alphabets, 1 choco lollie
Gladys: 1 Koko Pop's Platter (LARGE)
Tracy: Set 2****: Set 1Ernestine: 1 Koko Pop's Platter (SMALL)
Sylvia: 15 Cutesy Chocs (mix), 2 Choco Lollies
YanHui: 1 Koko Pop's Platter (LARGE), 3 Choco Lollies, 1 Love Choco, 7 alphabets
Alicia: Set 1
Shirlene: 5 Cutesy Chocs (White), 8 alphabets, 5 Love Chocs
Alicia: 60 cookies
Jocelyn: 2 set 1
Jocelyn: 20 minis (Double Layer)
Gladys: 1 large Koko Pop's Platter
Cassandra: 10 Choco Lollies, 1 Large Koko Pop's platter, 10 Love Chocs, 40 MiniDarlings
Jocelyn: 1 Small Koko Pop's Platter
Cassandra: 10 CoatedFlakes, 2 Design Love Bar
Nikko: 1 Large Koko Pop's Platter, 45 Coated Flakes
Atiqqah: 37 alphabetical chocs, 5 semisweet bears.
MeiYi: 1 Happy Bday Bar
Waiwai: 1 Box of Hearts
Helen: 3boxes of Hearts, 25mini darlings
Jaslyn: 20 Choco Lollies, 30mini Darlings
TingTing: 1 B'day Bar, 2 Choco Lollies
Maureen: 19 Alphabeticals, 16 Packets
SinfulShopper: 18 alphabets, 300g CoatedFlakes
Jana: 3 Packets (DoubleFlavor)
11:17 AM